

Did You Know?

“A snail can sleep for three years.”

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    The Secret Of Success Is To Do The Common Things Uncommonly Well...
    John D. Rockeller
    Residential Projects

    Residential Projects

    Residential Projects

    Our Client in Jinja was suffering with a bed bug infestation waking up with bites and droplets of blood on the sheets for over 3 months. Bed bugs hide in tiny cracks and crevices and usually visit their host for a brief feed in the few hours just before dawn.

    To our expert team, signs of bed bugs are easy to spot. But to the untrained and inexperienced eye identifying bed bugs is a little harder.

    Industrial Pest Control

    Industrial Pest Control

    Called up by a Client with different pest at their Industry from flies, Rats, ants, cockroaches you name it. The Approach had to be incorporating monitoring into IPMSLTD programs as a standard procedure instead of as a specialized operation. Rodent monitoring was our go to.

    This was done through counts, tracking patches, and nontoxic baiting to help determine the presence, numbers and types of pests and most important what type of approach to take.
    School Projects

    School Projects

    School Projects

    A client had a big problem with Flies for weeks. Flies can transmit a multitude of different pathogens, causing significant risk to health and severe impact on Students.

    They pose a health risk to Students, spread diseases like Salmonella and E. coli and even bite humans. This is magnified in areas that are crowded like schools.

    Car Fumigation Services

    Car Fumigation Services

    A client was having an issue with fleas and bed bugs in their Vehicle. With all the small spaces and narrow sides, in which, most of all pests infest and breed, makes it even harder to inspect and clean. Our car fumigation service method was the definite go to.

    It’s water-based odourless features will not cause any oil stain residue and you can immediately use your vehicle after the fumigation process. This method is very effective at the same time safe for our customers, family, and children.

    Need A Free Estimate?

    Should you need guidance, a quote or an inspection done, please get in touch and we shall assist as soon as we can….